Calibrating and certifying measuring instruments is a time comsuming, manually executed task. The operator has to read several imes during an often lengthly procedure the display of the instrument to be certified and compare it to the reference value from the reference instrument. The instruments to be certified exhibit a large variety of forms, shapes, and display types. Reference instruments have a digital output that can be connected to a computer for reading, instruments to be certified mostly not.
We have developed a software system that helps to automize the calibration procedure by various means:
To further improve the system, we have implemented
The fully automaic reading has a precision of more the 98% tested on more than 1400 displays.
Title: LEAME: Sistema de lecturas automático para aplicaciones en metrología mediante visión por computador
Start Date: 24/05/2008
End Date: 31/12/2008
Budget: 7500 €
Leaders: Arno Formella
Funding Bodies:
Universidade de Vigo [2008-INOU-5], Excma. Deputación Provincial de Ourense